Party Wall Surveyor -Â The Party Wall Act 1996
It provides a framework for preventing and resolving disputes in relation to party walls, boundary walls and excavations near neighbouring buildings. It is based on some tried and tested provisions of the London Building Acts, which applied in inner London for many decades before the Act came into force.
Anyone intending to carry out work (anywhere in England and Wales) of the kinds described in the Act must give Adjoining Owners notice of their intentions.
If you cannot reach agreement with the Adjoining Owners, the next best thing is to agree with them on appointing what the Act calls an "Agreed Surveyor" to draw up an "Award". Alternatively, each owner can appoint a surveyor to draw up the award together.
We will inspect the property and prepare an "award" (also known as a "party wall award"). This is a document sets out the work that will be carried out says when and how the work is to be carried out and contains a record of the condition of the adjoining property before the work begins.
You can download a PDF with more information about The Party Wall Act here
Our Fee to Act as Agreed Surveyor is £750.
Our Fee to Act as Building Owner Surveyor £750.